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Dr.Tülin Haşlaman participated “TAIEX Workshop on Evidence Based Education Policy Development Techniques” organised by European Commision in co-operation with the Ministry of National Education (Turkey) between 30 - 31 October 2018. The aim of the Workshop was to discuss the collection and the use of educational statistics as basis to design educational policies for the Turkish Ministry of National Education. In the workshop, digital transformation in education, use of data to increase quality, institutional cooperation, collaboration in data collection and new technologies were discussed.
TED University
Ziya Gökalp Caddesi No:48 06420,
Kolej Çankaya Ankara - Turkey
KEP Address: tedu@hs02.kep.tr
Phone: +90 (312) 585 0000
Fax: +90 (312) 418 4148